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Search Results: project log

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22 Items Found


Send an Email From the Phidget SBC4 With Python

Send an Email From the Phidget SBC4 With Python

Send an email from your Phidget SBC4 with Python.

Home Automation With Phidgets

Home Automation With Phidgets

Get started with home automation and Phidgets!

MURVV Robot with JavaScript

MURVV Robot with JavaScript

Use the Phidget JavaScript libraries to control a rover.

Water Leak Detector

Water Leak Detector

Create a water leak detector with Phidgets and a Raspberry Pi.

Phidgets Weather Display

Phidgets Weather Display

Use the LCD1100 to display the local time and weather!

Long Range Wi-Fi

Long Range Wi-Fi

We tested how far you can push the range of Wi-Fi signals with commercially available components.

Logging with Multiple Phidgets

Logging with Multiple Phidgets

Opening and recording data from several Phidget devices into a spreadsheet.

Dynamic Backlight with Phidgets

Dynamic Backlight with Phidgets

Making an adaptive backlight for your computer screen.

Sorting Coloured Beads

Sorting Coloured Beads

Using Phidgets with OpenCV to sort 22,000 Perler beads by colour.

Remote Temperature Monitoring

Remote Temperature Monitoring

Create a remote temperature monitoring system using Phidgets.

Phidget Smoker Project #3: Bradley Smoker VINT Converison

Phidget Smoker Project #3: Bradley Smoker VINT Converison

Continuing the Phidget Smoker Project, we replaced the Raspberry PI with a PhidgetSBC4, and updated the control algorithm to provide a more consistent smoking temperature.

Pet Food Supply Monitor Using Load Cells and Phidgets - Part 1

Pet Food Supply Monitor Using Load Cells and Phidgets - Part 1

Get a text when your pet is out of food or water and log your pet's weight over time

Pet Food Supply Monitor Using Load Cells and Phidgets - Part 2

Pet Food Supply Monitor Using Load Cells and Phidgets - Part 2

Get a text when your pet is out of food or water and log your pet's weight over time

Using libcurl To Send Email from an SBC

Using libcurl To Send Email from an SBC

Setting up libcurl to send emails from an SBC

Automate your blinds with Phidgets

Automate your blinds with Phidgets

A quick introduction to automated blinds.

Lock up with Phidgets

Lock up with Phidgets

For people who are sick of keys!

Phidgets Smart Sprinker Controller with iOS - Part 2

Phidgets Smart Sprinker Controller with iOS - Part 2

Automate your lawn watering using Phidgets and iOS

Phidgets Smart Sprinkler Controller with iOS - Part 1

Phidgets Smart Sprinkler Controller with iOS - Part 1

Automate your lawn watering using Phidgets and iOS

Weather Station with Phidgets

Weather Station with Phidgets

The project described here is a simple weather station that measures air temperature, humidity, and surface temperature of the ground below the weather station.

Digital Input Guide

Digital Input Guide

A digital input is a device that can read the state of a digital signal. Digital signals are either high or low (1 or 0). Check out this guide for more information.

Brewing with Phidgets #1 - Brew Kettle

Brewing with Phidgets #1 - Brew Kettle

Using Phidgets to control and monitor an electric brew kettle.

Allan Deviation Guide

Allan Deviation Guide

Allan deviation lets you view noise within a signal over time. This guide explores the basics of Allan deviation as it relates to accelerometers and other sensors.