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Remote Temperature Monitoring

Remote Temperature Monitoring

Create a remote temperature monitoring system using Phidgets.

Phidgets Smart Sprinker Controller with iOS - Part 2

Phidgets Smart Sprinker Controller with iOS - Part 2

Automate your lawn watering using Phidgets and iOS

How Phidgets Make Museums More Interesting

How Phidgets Make Museums More Interesting

While many people prototype their designs with Phidgets, there are a lot of people making one-time installations to work with Phidgets on a long-term basis. These people make museum exhibits, as well as interactive art installations (like Eos Lightmedia). Phidgets help the creation of exhibits that move people from being passive observers to engaged participants in learning.

Encoder Velocity: A Common Miscalculation

Encoder Velocity: A Common Miscalculation

When working with Phidget Encoders, a tempting method to calculate their velocity is to simply divide the number of pulses (or edges) by the elapsed time given by an event. However, problems arise with this method when the encoder starts and stops, or moves slowly enough that it’s hard to tell the difference.

How To Avoid Grounding a Thermocouple

How To Avoid Grounding a Thermocouple

If you’ve never seen a thermocouple before, you might think it’s just a cable with some wires inside. Well, it is, in way, but it’s really a tool for measuring extreme temperatures far outside the range of many other types of temperature sensors. A thermocouple has two different conductors that produce a voltage. The voltage is proportional to the temperature difference between either end of the pair of conductor

Mechanical Relay Guide

Mechanical Relay Guide

Mechanical relays can switch a power or signal line by physically moving metal contacts with an electromagnet. Learn more here.

Solid State Relay Guide

Solid State Relay Guide

Interested in learning about solid state relays? This guide explains the basics: what solid state relays are, how solid state relays work, how to choose a solid state relay and more.

Digital Output Guide

Digital Output Guide

A digital signal is either high or low (1 or 0). Digital output devices can generate a high or low signal, which drives other electronics. Read this guide for more information.

Water Leak Detector

Water Leak Detector

Create a water leak detector with Phidgets and a Raspberry Pi.

Digital Input Guide

Digital Input Guide

A digital input is a device that can read the state of a digital signal. Digital signals are either high or low (1 or 0). Check out this guide for more information.

Voltage Input Guide

Voltage Input Guide

A voltage input is a device that measure an analog signal between 0 and 5 volts DC. Check out this guide for more information.

Open Collector Digital Output Guide

Open Collector Digital Output Guide

Open collector digital outputs behave like a solid-state relay that switches a line to ground. Learn more here.

Voltage Ratio Input Guide

Voltage Ratio Input Guide

A voltage ratio input is used to read analog signals that range from 0 to 5 volts DC. Check out this guide for more information.