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Calgary AB  T2H 2H9


Unit 1 - 6115 4 St SE
Calgary AB  T2H 2H9
+1 403 282-7335

Weighing Scale Kit

ID: KIT4007_0

An aluminium-framed weighing scale kit with three different load cells: 780g, 5kg, 25kg.


Quantity Available: 553

Qty Price
5 $38.00
10 $36.00
25 $32.00
50 $28.00
100 $26.00
250 $24.00
500 $22.00
1000 $20.00

This convenient kit contains three micro load cells of different strengths and an aluminum shell that can be assembled into a simple weighing scale. The top and bottom of the aluminium shell is installed on either end of the load cell, which creates shear force in the load cell when an item is placed on the surface of the scale. The force measured is proportional to the weight of the item, so with proper cailbration you can calculate the weight.


  • Easy-to-assemble weighing scale
  • Includes three different load cells: 780g, 5kg, and 25kg
  • Connects to any Phidget Bridge or load cell interface


Load cells require a power source and produce a very small voltage differential when under strain. In order to read this signal, an amplifier or a board with a high-precision analog-to-digital converter is required. For more details and a list of Phidgets that will connect to this load cell, see the Connection & Compatibility tab.


warning Load cells can typically withstand weights up to 150% of their specified measurement range without damage, but the 780g cell has thin joints where the two halves of the cell are attached, and it is vulnerable to bending or breaking if loaded above 780g. Take care to avoid overloading this load cell.

Bridge Interfaces

Load cells and strain gauges produce a very tiny voltage differential and must be read by a high-resolution analog-to-digital converter. You can connect this kit to a bridge interface as described in this table:

Function Load CellBridge Interface
+5V Red 5V
+ Green +
- White -
Ground Black G
Functional Functional
The following bridge interfaces can be used with this scale kit:

Product Board Properties
Part Number Price Controlled By Number of Bridge Inputs Data Rate Max
PhidgetBridge 4-Input
$95.00 USB (Mini-USB) 4 1.2 kHz
Wheatstone Bridge Phidget
$30.00 VINT 2 50 Hz
PhidgetBridge 4-Input
$90.00 USB (Mini-USB) 4 125 Hz

Load Cells

This kit comes with three different load cells with varying sensitivity. If you need extras, the following load cells are compatible with this kit:

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Product Specifications

Sensor Properties
Load Cell Accuracy Class Consumer Grade
Physical Properties
Material Aluminium, anodized coating
Length 156 mm
Width 156 mm
Customs Information
Canadian HS Export Code 8423.90.00
American HTS Import Code 8423.90.10.00
Country of Origin CN (China)

For characteristics of the included load cells, please visit the specifications section of their respective product pages:



KIT4007 Assembly.jpg
  1. Select a load cell (780g, 5kg or 25kg) and bolt it into the bottom plate with the arrow on the end of the cell pointing down toward the plate
  2. Guide the load cell cable out of the notch in the back of the plate
  3. Bolt the top plate onto the load cell


The load cell inside the scale produces a small voltage differential based on how much strain its metal body is experiencing. How do we convert this small voltage into a useful unit of weight or force? The load cell needs to be calibrated.

The simplest way to calibrate the load cell is by using linear interpolation using two known weights and their corresponding voltage measurements. The output of a load cell is linear, so once we find the line that connects those two points, we can use it to convert any voltage from the load cell into a weight or force in the same units as our known weights.

Here's the process:

  • First, clear the scale and take a voltage measurement. This will be our first data point.
  • Next, find an object of known weight. You'll either need to measure the weight of something with another scale, or use a weight from a lab weight set. If possible, try to get a weight that will be close to the maximum weight you expect to be measuring for your project.
  • Take a second voltage measurement with this object.
  • Now we have two points, so we can calculate the slope of the line:
  • And we can use the slope and our first point to solve for the y-offset:
  • Now, we have a formula that we can use to convert any voltage from the load cell into a useful value!

Click below for a code sample in python that shows how calibration could be done at the start of your program:

Code Sample
from Phidget22.Phidget import *
from Phidget22.Devices.VoltageRatioInput import *
import time

calibrated = False
m = 0
b = 0

def onVoltageRatioChange(self, voltageRatio):
	if calibrated:
		# Calculate calibrated weight with y = mx + b
		sys.stdout.write("\rWeight: " + str(round((m*voltageRatio)+b,2)) + "g      ")

def main():
	global calibrated
	global m
	global b

	voltageRatioInput0 = VoltageRatioInput()

		input("Clear the scale and press Enter\n")
	except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt):

	v1 = voltageRatioInput0.getVoltageRatio()

		w2 = input("Place a known weight on the scale, type the weight in grams, and press Enter:\n")
	except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt):

	v2 = voltageRatioInput0.getVoltageRatio()

	# Calculate slope 'm'
	m = (float(w2) - 0) / (v2 - v1)
	# solve for b using zero point : b = y-mx
	b = 0 - ( m * v1)

	print("Calibration Complete: y = " + str(m) + "x + " + str(b))
	calibrated = True

		input("Press Enter to Stop\n")
	except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt):



Measurement Considerations

The measurement from load cells are susceptible to drift due to temperature changes in the wires. You may find that even when measuring the same object with no movement, the weight measurement may drift significantly. There are two ways to avoid this kind of error:

  • For a long session of constant measurements, allow a 30-minute warm-up after the voltageRatioInput channel is enabled. The drift, due to self-heating of the wires, will eventually stop. Once stable, you can calibrate and measure.
  • For brief, occasional measurements, you should enable the channel, immediately take the measurement, and then disable the channel. By doing this, there is so little current moving through the wires that the device does not get a chance to heat up. You should also follow this process when calibrating.


Usually load cells can safely be loaded at 150% of their maximum weight. For example, you could put a 7.5kg object on the scale when the 5kg load cell is inside. The measurement would saturate (see the Saturation event in the Phidget22 API for your Bridge Phidget for details), so you wouldn't be able to tell how much heavier than 5kg the object is, but you don't need to worry about damaging the load cell.

However, you need to be careful with the 780g load cell- its high sensitivity makes it vulnerable to damage if loaded beyond 780g. If there's a chance your objects will go above this maximum, we recommend using the 5kg load cell instead.

Further Reading

For more information about how load cells work, see our Load Cell Guide.