servos becoming unattached after period of inactivity

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servos becoming unattached after period of inactivity

Post by SecularSurfer »

I apologize in advance, I am fairly new to phidgets. I inherited maintenance duty on a large interactive game that has a random, but persistent bug. It uses 30 various phidgets connected to an SBC running a jetty server (Java). There is also a Raspberry Pi attached to a touch screen that starts the game.

There is an RCC1000_0 that has 3 servos attached to it. After sitting for a period of time (sometimes as short as 30 minutes or as long as 5 hours), they will return a NOT_ATTACHED code.

Everything works fine when the system is first booted up. It continues to work fine when it is used regularly (i.e every 15-20 minutes. A game lasts 5 minutes.) When it fails, all of the other phidgets continue to work as intended, but the the servos will not work again until the game is rebooted.

I appreciate any input or suggestions. I've been working on this for weeks and it's driving me mad.
- Tom
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Re: servos becoming unattached after period of inactivity

Post by Patrick »

Can you enable library logging in your code, and post the result?

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Re: servos becoming unattached after period of inactivity

Post by SecularSurfer »

Here is the log file. Thanks in advance.
Log file with error
(5.33 KiB) Downloaded 742 times
- Tom
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Re: servos becoming unattached after period of inactivity

Post by SecularSurfer »

Here is an updated log file from this morning.

The game worked worked fine, except for the servos not moving.
(78.09 KiB) Downloaded 738 times
- Tom
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Re: servos becoming unattached after period of inactivity

Post by Patrick »

First step would be to upgrade the libraries on you SBC. You can do this from the web interface.

Also, I'd like you to upgrade the firmware on your VINT hubs. This needs to be done from the control panel on a mac or windows PC. You can upgrade the firmware over the network if the SBC is running the network server, or plug the USB hubs into your PC to do it.

The libraries/firmware from 1.4.20190828 should address your issue, but let me know if you are still having problems.

I'd also like to see the /var/log/syslog for any usb related errors.

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Re: servos becoming unattached after period of inactivity

Post by SecularSurfer »

Thanks! The SBC isn't connected to the internet so I never got notified of any updates.

I upgraded all of the Phidget packages. Do I need to (or should I) upgrade the Debian packages as well?

Here are the two most recent syslogs. Let me know if you want further back.
(307.47 KiB) Downloaded 753 times
(803.13 KiB) Downloaded 730 times
- Tom
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Re: servos becoming unattached after period of inactivity

Post by Patrick »


Not seeing anything too worrisome in the logs. The USB detaches should be solved by the new HUB0000 firmware and library update.

Debian package upgrades are up to you.

If you see trouble after updating, I would like to know.

Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2019 9:11 am

Re: servos becoming unattached after period of inactivity

Post by SecularSurfer »

There have been a few errors in the log since the update, but (so far, at least) the game has been working fine.

Some of the USB cables are too short and use extensions, and most appear to be low quality. I already ordered some appropriate length quality cables to replace them.

I will definitely let you know if I run into any more problems. Thanks again for your help!

Code: Select all

******************************  Logging Enabled  ******************************
* Phidget22 - Version 1.4 - Built Aug 28 2019 21:33:55                        *
2019-08-30T12:17:43  <Info> phidget22[populateAttachedSPIDevices()] : Found SPI VINT Hub: 0x0001, 102, 512534
2019-08-30T12:17:43  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : Initializing libusb
2019-08-30T12:17:43  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 2/5
2019-08-30T12:17:43  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 2/4
2019-08-30T12:17:43  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 2/3
2019-08-30T12:17:43  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 3/2
2019-08-30T12:17:43  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 5/2
2019-08-30T12:17:43  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T12:17:43  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538114): USB read thread started: 0xa84ff470
2019-08-30T12:17:43  <Info> phidget22[HandleEventsThreadFunction()] : Increased priority of USB Handle Events thread to: 32
2019-08-30T12:17:46  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T12:17:46  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538802): USB read thread started: 0xa80ff470
2019-08-30T12:17:50  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T12:17:50  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538827): USB read thread started: 0xa7cff470
2019-08-30T12:17:52  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T12:17:52  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538815): USB read thread started: 0xa78ff470
2019-08-30T12:17:53  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T12:17:53  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538364): USB read thread started: 0xa74ff470
2019-08-30T12:17:53  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetHubDevice_dataInput()] : Ignoring a hub channel detach message recieved during hub initialization.
2019-08-30T12:27:44 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:27:44  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBGetString()] : libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_IO - Input/Output Error. Maybe detaching?
2019-08-30T12:27:44  <Warn> phidget22[scanVintDevices()] : Couldn't get VINT string from a Hub - maybe detaching.
2019-08-30T12:27:44 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:27:44 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:27:44 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:27:44 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
last message repeated 5 times
2019-08-30T12:27:44  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBGetString()] : Device was unplugged - detach.
2019-08-30T12:27:44  <Warn> phidget22[scanVintDevices()] : Couldn't get VINT string from a Hub - maybe detaching.
2019-08-30T12:27:44 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:27:44 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:27:44 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:27:44 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
last message repeated 7 times
2019-08-30T12:27:44  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538114): ReadThread exiting normally
2019-08-30T12:27:45  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 2/6
2019-08-30T12:27:45  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T12:27:45  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538114): USB read thread started: 0xa84ff470
2019-08-30T12:37:23 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:37:23 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:37:23 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:37:23  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBGetString()] : libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_IO - Input/Output Error. Maybe detaching?
2019-08-30T12:37:23  <Warn> phidget22[scanVintDevices()] : Couldn't get VINT string from a Hub - maybe detaching.
2019-08-30T12:37:23 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:37:23 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
last message repeated 7 times
2019-08-30T12:37:23  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538815): ReadThread exiting normally
2019-08-30T12:37:24  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 2/7
2019-08-30T12:37:24  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T12:37:24  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538815): USB read thread started: 0xa78ff470
2019-08-30T12:53:27 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:53:27  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBGetString()] : libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_IO - Input/Output Error. Maybe detaching?
2019-08-30T12:53:27  <Warn> phidget22[scanVintDevices()] : Couldn't get VINT string from a Hub - maybe detaching.
2019-08-30T12:53:27 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:53:27 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:53:27 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T12:53:28 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
last message repeated 5 times
2019-08-30T12:53:28  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538802): ReadThread exiting normally
2019-08-30T12:53:28  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 2/8
2019-08-30T12:53:28  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T12:53:28  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538802): USB read thread started: 0xa80ff470
2019-08-30T13:09:18 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:09:18  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBGetString()] : libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_IO - Input/Output Error. Maybe detaching?
2019-08-30T13:09:18  <Warn> phidget22[scanVintDevices()] : Couldn't get VINT string from a Hub - maybe detaching.
2019-08-30T13:09:18 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:09:18 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:09:18 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:09:18 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
last message repeated 5 times
2019-08-30T13:09:18  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBGetString()] : Device was unplugged - detach.
2019-08-30T13:09:18  <Warn> phidget22[scanVintDevices()] : Couldn't get VINT string from a Hub - maybe detaching.
2019-08-30T13:09:18 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:09:18 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:09:18 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:09:18 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
last message repeated 5 times
2019-08-30T13:09:18  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538114): ReadThread exiting normally
2019-08-30T13:09:19  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 2/9
2019-08-30T13:09:19  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T13:09:19  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538114): USB read thread started: 0xa84ff470
2019-08-30T13:13:39 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:13:39  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBGetString()] : libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_IO - Input/Output Error. Maybe detaching?
2019-08-30T13:13:39  <Warn> phidget22[scanVintDevices()] : Couldn't get VINT string from a Hub - maybe detaching.
2019-08-30T13:13:39 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:13:39  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : Device was unplugged - detach.
2019-08-30T13:13:39  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538114): ReadThread exiting normally (Phidget detach detected in PhidgetDevice_read)
2019-08-30T13:13:39  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBGetString()] : Device was unplugged - detach.
2019-08-30T13:13:39  <Warn> phidget22[scanVintDevices()] : Couldn't get VINT string from a Hub - maybe detaching.
2019-08-30T13:13:40  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 2/10
2019-08-30T13:13:40  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T13:13:40  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538114): USB read thread started: 0xa84ff470
2019-08-30T13:28:16 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:28:16  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBGetString()] : libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_IO - Input/Output Error. Maybe detaching?
2019-08-30T13:28:16  <Warn> phidget22[scanVintDevices()] : Couldn't get VINT string from a Hub - maybe detaching.
2019-08-30T13:28:16 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:28:16 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:28:16 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:28:16 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
last message repeated 5 times
2019-08-30T13:28:16  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538815): ReadThread exiting normally
2019-08-30T13:28:17  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 2/11
2019-08-30T13:28:17  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T13:28:17  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538815): USB read thread started: 0xa78ff470
2019-08-30T13:28:42 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:28:42  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBGetString()] : libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_IO - Input/Output Error. Maybe detaching?
2019-08-30T13:28:42  <Warn> phidget22[scanVintDevices()] : Couldn't get VINT string from a Hub - maybe detaching.
2019-08-30T13:28:42 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:28:42 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:28:42 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:28:42 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
last message repeated 5 times
2019-08-30T13:28:42  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBGetString()] : Device was unplugged - detach.
2019-08-30T13:28:42  <Warn> phidget22[scanVintDevices()] : Couldn't get VINT string from a Hub - maybe detaching.
2019-08-30T13:28:42 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:28:42 <ERROR> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE - Pipe error.
2019-08-30T13:28:42  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBReadPacket()] : Device was unplugged - detach.
2019-08-30T13:28:42  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538114): ReadThread exiting normally (Phidget detach detected in PhidgetDevice_read)
2019-08-30T13:28:43  <Info> phidget22usb[PhidgetUSBScanDevices()] : New Phidget found in PhidgetUSBBuildList: 2/12
2019-08-30T13:28:43  <Info> phidget22usb[getReportLengths()] : Using Control Endpoint for Host->Device communication.
2019-08-30T13:28:43  <Info> phidget22[PhidgetUSBReadThreadFunction()] : 6-Port USB VINT Hub Phidget(HUB0000) (538114): USB read thread started: 0xa84ff470
- Tom
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Re: servos becoming unattached after period of inactivity

Post by Patrick »

This is a lot of detaches. Could be caused by bad cables, or EMI.

Can you confirm that the USB VINT hubs were upgraded to version 125?

Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2019 9:11 am

Re: servos becoming unattached after period of inactivity

Post by SecularSurfer »


Control panel is showing all the hubs are 121 with no firmware updates.
- Tom
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