Programming Resources

From Phidgets Support

Language Support

We provide support for a variety of programming languages. Each language has code samples for you to use as well as an in-depth API for you to reference. If you aren't sure which language to use, we recommend using a Core Language:

Language Libraries Code Samples OS Support
C Sharp C# Quick Downloads All Devices OS - Windows OS - OS X OS - Linux
C C Quick Downloads All Devices OS - Windows OS - OS X OS - Linux
Python Python Quick Downloads All Devices OS - Windows OS - OS X OS - Linux
Java Java Quick Downloads All Devices OS - Windows OS - OS X OS - Linux OS - Android
javascript JavaScript Quick Downloads All Devices OS - Windows OS - OS X OS - Linux
Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET Quick Downloads All Devices OS - Windows
Cocoa Swift Quick Downloads All Devices OS - OS XOS - iOS
ObjC Objective C Quick Downloads Some Devices* OS - OS XOS - iOS
LabVIEW LabVIEW Quick Downloads All Devices OS - Windows
Max/MSP Max/MSP Quick Downloads All Devices OS - Windows OS - OS X

* Objective C has examples for all devices in macOS, but only some devices in iOS. If you're developing an Objective C program for iOS, we recommend that you use the existing examples while referencing the macOS examples for the devices that don't have iOS examples.