DC Motor Phidget compatibility

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DC Motor Phidget compatibility

Post by WallE »


For my "real size" Wall-E robot project, I think to use the DC motor Phidget (https://www.phidgets.com/?tier=3&catid= ... prodid=965) to move the robot with tread system.

I am not and electronical expert (but simply a JAVA developper), so your products are perfect for me : USB plug & play, JAVA programmable, and avoid electronical complexity. I already use the PhidgetAdvancedServo 8-Motor for the robot head.

To move the robot (that will probably weigh about 10kg), I think to use this kind of DC motors :
- a Actobotics planetary gear motor on Servocity : (118-rpm-hd-premium-planetary-gear-motor)
- a goBilda motor with encoder : 5202-series-yellow-jacket-planetary-gear-motor-50-9-1-ratio-117-rpm-3-3-5v-encoder

Q1) Is the DC motor Phidget compatible with this kind of DC motor?
Q2) How to connect the power supply ? I see wires connection, but not "plug" connection.
Q3) What type of battery is compatible?


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Re: DC Motor Phidget compatibility

Post by WallE »

Please, do you have any idea for my questions before my order because I am lost with the motors compatibility, power supply, ...
Do I need this product also : https://www.phidgets.com/?tier=3&catid= ... prodid=967 or https://www.phidgets.com/?tier=3&catid= ... prodid=715 ?
Or is it simpler with a battery ? And what do you recommend ?

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Re: DC Motor Phidget compatibility

Post by fraser »

What kind of power supply would you be using with a plug? You can go from plug to wire with this
https://www.phidgets.com/?tier=3&catid= ... prodid=182

any 12-24V battery would be fine for powering the controller.

The motors you listed look like they'd be fine. They are spec'd for 12V it seems. You can power it with higher voltage than spec voltage but that might degrade you motor faster.
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Re: DC Motor Phidget compatibility

Post by WallE »

Thanks for your reply.
I have another questions about this DC controller (https://www.phidgets.com/?tier=3&catid= ... prodid=965).
If I want to connect this kind of motor with an encoder (https://www.servocity com/118-rpm-hd-premium-planetary-gear-motor-w-encoder), how to connect this cable with the controller encoder input ? Are there adapters ?
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Re: DC Motor Phidget compatibility

Post by fraser »

unfortunately, that is a hall effect sensor type encoder, which the DCC1000 does not support. You will require a Optical/Quadrature type encoder. We only support hall effect sensors on our Brushless DC motor controller
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