Selecting Individual Outputs REL1100_0

Supporting Max/MSP versions 6 and up
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Selecting Individual Outputs REL1100_0

Post by aaron »


I am trying to turn on individual outputs on the REL1100_1 4x Isolated Solid State Relay Phidget. I can turn on the first output, but I can't figure out how to turn on the others. setState and setDutyCycle only seems to take one argument. What am I missing?


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Re: Selecting Individual Outputs REL1100_0

Post by jdecoux »

You need to open each output channel as its own object.

In the case of Max/MSP, that means using two or more objects, and specifying the channel as outlined in the Specifying a Phidget section of the Max/MSP language page. You will specify the channel property for each object to access the other outputs on the device.
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