Switch 3052 with Raspberry Pi GPIO

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Switch 3052 with Raspberry Pi GPIO

Post by Oxgernon »


I have some older 3052 SSR boards (probably first version; they're about 5 or 6 years old) that I would like to recycle for a new project I'm working on.

The new project will be controlled by a Raspberry Pi 1 model B.

I was wondering if it is possible to switch the 3052 boards directly via the GPIO pins on the Pi? (without using Phidgets digital outputs)

Based on my rather limited knowledge of electronic wiring, I've managed to convince myself that given the Phidgets digital output's 5V with 250 Ohm internal resistor and the Pi GPIO's 3.3V, it should work if I connect it with a 100 Ohm resistor.

Can anyone confirm if this is likely to work before I do something stupid that will damage my hardware? ;-)

I realize I could just connect an 8/8/8 InterfaceKit to the Pi (I have a couple of those leftover as well), but then I would also need a USB hub as both the ports on the Pi are being used for other purposes and then suddenly it adds a lot of extra hardware that I'm hoping to do without.

My apologies if this has already been answered; I feel I have spent reasonable effort searching, but if I've missed it, please point me in the right direction :-)

Thanks in advance :-)

Kind regards,

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Re: Switch 3052 with Raspberry Pi GPIO

Post by mparadis »

I took a look at the datasheet for the MOSFET used on the 3052_0, and it looks like it requires at least 1.5V and about 2mA to power it. Since the Raspberry Pi's outputs can provide 3.3V and much more current, they will definitely be sufficient to switch the 3052_0. Don't worry about using a resistor, since you don't need to step the voltage down and the internal resistance of the Raspberry Pi's outputs will keep the current in check.
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