No connection with PhidgetAdvancedServo 1-Motor and example

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No connection with PhidgetAdvancedServo 1-Motor and example

Post by fur »


when compiling latest CocoaServo example with Xcode 6.3.1 on OSX 10.10.3 i get no connection with my servo controller.
However, when i use the system preference pane for Phidgets, the servo controller works as expected.
The phidget i am using is a "PhidgetAdvancedServo Controller 1-Motor, v101, Serial 305201"

I made sure system prefs and cocoa app are not open at the same time, another controller (Encoder) works fine with Xcode-Example.

Any idea?
Thanks, Tilman
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Re: No connection with PhidgetAdvancedServo 1-Motor and exam

Post by Patrick »

You need to use the advanced servo example, not the servo example.

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Re: No connection with PhidgetAdvancedServo 1-Motor and exam


I get the same exact issue with my Phigets Spatial 1044 IMU. Running Accelerometer-simple.c on my Macbook pro and it can't connect, but using the test program in system preferences works perfectly. I have no idea why this is happening. Running the same accelerometer program on my raspberry pi works fine.
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