RC Servo Phidget strange behavior

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RC Servo Phidget strange behavior

Post by Zac »

Hey all, I'm working through some updates for our phidget components to use them in a new system and I ran into some strange issues with the RCServo Phidget. After updating our python component I had it working perfectly. Eventually it stopped working as expected and so I popped open the phidget control panel to try to control it from there and it worked again there for a moment, but then gave me an error when I tried to enable it again after disabling it. The error message is attached, but it said:
Error enabling: PhidgetException 0x39 (Not Configured)
Device is not configured enough for this API call. Have a look at the must-set properties for this device and make sure to configure them first.

This error is recurring most of the time when trying to use the phidget control panel to test the Phidget and persists through 3 different RCServo Phidget boards.

All three phidgets and the vint hub have the latest firmware installed. I have re-installed python, and restarted my computer and the phidget process and it is hard to find a pattern or solution that corresponds to when it randomly decides to work for a second.

If anyone has any advice, I'd greatly appreciate it. It could also be a bug of some sort.
RCServoError.PNG (9.25 KiB) Viewed 37300 times
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Re: RC Servo Phidget strange behavior

Post by fraser »

The "Must-Set" property for this device is TargetPosition, meaning you have to send a target position to the device before enabling it, or else it won't let you enable it. This is because if you don't set a target position first, it would be up to the device to decide where to go initially. For many applications, an arbitrary position could break things; therefore we require you to set it first.

As to why it used to work, it's possible this feature was added since your code was implemented. It is our highest priority to not introduce code breaking changes, but perhaps this one was one that got through (I don't recall if or when this feature was implemented in the past). I hope this information fixes the issue for you.
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Re: RC Servo Phidget strange behavior

Post by Zac »

Thanks! Is the "setEngaged()" function the same as enabling the phidget?
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Re: RC Servo Phidget strange behavior

Post by fraser »

Yes, sorry, I used the wrong nomenclature. You need to set TargetPosition before setting Engaged to true.
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Re: RC Servo Phidget strange behavior

Post by Zac »

no worries, the nomenclature seems interchangeable in this instance so I just wanted to verify.
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