Can't move BLDC with DC1100?

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Can't move BLDC with DC1100?

Post by nm17 »

I have Faulhauber 2250S024BX4 motor attached to DC1100 with hall sensor on 24V with 6A supply. I am new to BLDC so I am trying to get any motion out of Faulhaber using Phidgets Control Panel. The connection to DC1100 is fine - I can read position sensor fine and all connections are fine. There is no real load on the motor, just a coupler to help me check if the motor is rotating or not.

Using Position Sensor in Control Panel I set rescale factor to 1, acceleration to 100, velocity to 1000 and increment to 1. I have figured that Kp=-25000 or -250,000 can work well. Stall velocity is at default 400. I set Ki and Kd to 0 as I am really trying to get into the ballpark movement for now. Deadband is 0.

When I set the target position, the motor will either not move at all or move very little (e.g. 1-10% of the expected rotation). If I nudge it with my hand in the right direction it will (in most cases) suddenly spring into action and move to the correct position (and rotate to the target with fairly good precision). Sometimes (very rarely) the movement will work without me helping but this is extremely rare. I sometimes get stall velocity warning and I tried lowering stall velocity to 200, 50, and even 0 to see if this will help but I didn't saw any improvement - the motor just does not move until I nudge it with my hand!

I tried using "Motor Controller" API from the Control Panel as well but that will not move the motor at all.

I am new to BLDC so this is very puzzling to me and I was wondering if I am doing something obviously wrong or if this type of motor is perhaps not working well with DC1100_0... Has anybody used a similar motor or is there anything obviously wrong in what I am doing??
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Re: Can't move BLDC with DC1100?

Post by nm17 »

Just some additional info. When I attempt engaging the motor to go to target position I notice the "Duty cycle" goes from 0->1 (or 0-> -1 depending on direction of movement). The motor does not move on it's own and I get the stall error after that.

Code: Select all

03 June 2021 19:04:32 - Error MotorStallCondition: Dangerous motor stall detected. Motor has been disengaged in order to prevent damage.
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Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:29 am

Re: Can't move BLDC with DC1100?

Post by nm17 »

I found what the issue was: one of the phases (B) was not connected properly (the wire connection to the terminal block on DC1100 was not good). After (re)tightening the terminal block everything appears to be working well.
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