Completely bypass acceleration from DCC1002?

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Completely bypass acceleration from DCC1002?

Post by billybobbeckwith »

Hi! Is it possible to completely bypass the acceleration feature of the DCC1002/DCC1003?
I have set (python) dcmotor0.setAcceleration(dcmotor0.getMaxAcceleration) prior to turning on a basic DC Motor. But I have found that, while quick, it doesn't remove the feature. Unfortunately, I still want to use the other features of the DCC1002: reversing power, pwm speed controll... but I would like to see instant-on ability too.... Here is the output from an oscilloscope with acceleration set to max. You can see the phidget device is still pwming the current going into the motor.
Screenshot from 2023-10-03 10-15-39.png
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Re: Completely bypass acceleration from DCC1002?

Post by fraser »

What is your CurrentLimit set to?
With max acceleration, you should see the duty cycle go from 0.0 to 1.0 in 10ms. If the device is current-limited, it will bring down the drive strength to meet this current limit. Using a current limit of 0.5A vs 4.0A could definitely cause a slower acceleration, notably on higher-load motors

If your power supply is limited on how much power it can deliver, you may also see a slower acceleration than expected.
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