Duplicating RFID tags

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Duplicating RFID tags

Post by Bond7911 »

Hello all,

I am brand new to this. I was wondering if someone can direct me if I can do this. I have a card that I use to enter a parking area for work. I believe it is RFID, it just raises the bar to enter. Is there any way that I can get something to read the number off of my card and then put it on more cards so I can give to other employees so they can have access?
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Re: Duplicating RFID tags

Post by mparadis »

If the tag uses one of the protocols we support (EM4100/EM4102, ISO11785 FDX-B, or plain ASCII text), then you can use the 1024_0 to do what you described. First, you'd read your tag and make note of the tag string. Then you'd get some blank writable tags and write the same string to those tags. If this is all you want to do, it can easily all be done via the Phidget Control Panel without writing any code of your own. See the 1024 User Guide to see what it would look like.

If the parking uses anything more sophisticated than low-frequency RFID (like NFC, rolling codes, encryption) then this will not work. I definitely used this method to clone my tag at an apartment parking garage I used to live at (because the fob they gave me was on my keyring to get in the front door, but I didn't want to take the keys out of my car to reach over to badge in to the parking garage).
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