Cannot use channel 0 anymore

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Re: Cannot use channel 0 anymore

Post by carnaby »

Oh wait, I do have something with the hub. I think I have this so I can catch when the user phycially attaches and detaches the hub. Is this not correct?

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private void Manager_Attach(object sender, Phidget22.Events.ManagerAttachEventArgs e)
			Manager man = (Manager)sender;
				if (e.Channel.ChannelClass == ChannelClass.Hub)
					if ((null == VintHub) || (VintHub != (Hub)e.Channel))
						VintHub = (Hub)e.Channel;
						VintHub.Attach += Hub_Attach;
						VintHub.Detach += Hub_Detach;

						Debug.WriteLine("Hub opened");
				else if(e.Channel.ChannelClass == ChannelClass.VoltageRatioInput)
					if (e.Channel.HubPort == 0)
						Handler?.Invoke(PhidgetEvent.attach, 0);
					else if (e.Channel.HubPort == 1)
						Handler?.Invoke(PhidgetEvent.attach, 1);
					else if (e.Channel.HubPort == 2)
						Handler?.Invoke(PhidgetEvent.attach, 2);
					else if (e.Channel.HubPort == 3)
						Handler?.Invoke(PhidgetEvent.attach, 3);
			catch(PhidgetException ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Open Hub exception: " + ex.ToString()); }

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Re: Cannot use channel 0 anymore

Post by carnaby »

Am I missing a call to new? I.e. should I have if VintHub is null

VintHub = new Hub;
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Re: Cannot use channel 0 anymore

Post by carnaby »

I got rid of all the hub open and attach / detach stuff but left this:

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public PhidgetManager()

			// NOTE: Register attach and detach handlers for the manager before opening!
			_phidgetManager = new Manager();
			_phidgetManager.Attach += Manager_Attach;
			_phidgetManager.Detach += Manager_Detach;

			catch(PhidgetException ex)
				Debug.WriteLine("Open phidget manager exception: " + ex.ToString());
Is this the correct course of action? Everything seems to be working now.
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Re: Cannot use channel 0 anymore

Post by Patrick »


That's right - even if you want to use the Phidget Manager to detect attach/detach of the Hub itself, you don't need to actually open the Hub channel unless you want to turn off the ports.

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