Can't perform calibration on Phidgets 1044_1 IMU (version 502)

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Can't perform calibration on Phidgets 1044_1 IMU (version 502)

Post by thibs3196 »

I'm trying to calibrate my 1044_1 PhidgetSpatial Precision 3/3/3 IMU, with the newest firmware (v. 502).
However, each time I perform a calibration in 2-Axis mode, I can see the red circle as I rotate the IMU around the Z-axis, but as soon as I hit the STOP button, the window crash, and I don't have any value or successful message with the calibration parameters.
I tried to downgrade the firmware version to the previous one (500), and I have been able to perform the calibration and obtain calibration values, as well as the green circle showing the calibrated results.
It looks like a bug in the newest firmware (502). Would it be possible to fix it?
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Re: Can't perform calibration on Phidgets 1044_1 IMU (version 502)

Post by jdecoux »

That actually sounds a lot like a crash related to the compass calibration program itself that we fixed a while ago, where the program would crash if the calibration took too long. Try updating you control panel (and by extension the compass calibrator) to the latest version, and let us know if that works for you.
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