Phidgest control panel and board does not work

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Phidgest control panel and board does not work

Post by GHH_Phidget »


I can not use PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 board and neither phidgest control panel. I make sure all physicals connections and drivers (up to date) are correct. I also reviewed the log file and seems that some connections are failing but some information is not enough clear to understand and identify the root cause.
An important note is that, in previous days, phidgest and control panel was working properly, this issue raise when phidgest board usb cable was disconnected from computer.

I hope some one has some ideas of any possible solution.
Log file and one image with specific error messages are attached.
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Re: Phidgest control panel and board does not work

Post by GHH_Phidget »

I've figured out the solution, I just deleted all related folders related to Phidgets from windows using regedit an reinstall libraries from the phidgets page.
Now control panel and phidgest board are working
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