Peak detection

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Peak detection

Post by ProtonTim »

I have an oscillating load on a load cell. I would like to be able to capture the peak load on the cell, but my sampling time is likely not fast enough compared to the period of the peak load. Is there a way to capture peak load in the hardware?
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Re: Peak detection

Post by landryphidget »

Don't have answer for hardware and I'm not the greatest programmer but have you tried the C While statement which will keep looping as long as everything is true inside the parenthesis. Then it executes any statements out side the parenthesis. So if you know what the highest load can be in your set up, thats your false value.
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Re: Peak detection

Post by mparadis »

If your impact event is shorter than the minimum data interval for the Phidget, there's no way for it to know the peak value. You may need to look for a more specialized device that is designed for very short events.
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Re: Peak detection

Post by ProtonTim »

Thanks for the suggestions. Since the waveform I am trying to capture is constant frequency it looks like I can sample over a number of cycles at a non-harmonic sample rate and get quite close to the peak value that way.
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