Thermocouples and Temperature Display

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Thermocouples and Temperature Display

Post by EvansvilleCoffee »

I am currently reading temperatures up to 500°F using thermocouples, TMP1101 and HUB0000 via USB. I would also like to display the temperatures on a pair of 4 character 7 segment led displays such as the Arduino TM1637.

How would you approach a solution to this problem? The Phidgets SBC seems like one solution, as I should be able to map input data to multiple outputs to drive a display, but I am hoping there is a (much) easier way.
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Re: Thermocouples and Temperature Display

Post by EvansvilleCoffee »

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I am presently under the impression that there is no way to mirror an input on a VINT hub to an output on a VINT hub. In this case, it might be that what I had hoped to do is not going to work without going the SBC route, which also might not work as I still need to have the thermocouple Phidget readable by Artisan RoasterScope.

To this end, I am taking a different approach, and using a pair of dual-element k type thermocouples so that I can send one signal to my Phidget and the other signal to an Arduino for temperature display. Best of both worlds, I guess?
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Re: Thermocouples and Temperature Display

Post by fraser »

The HUB0000 is definitely not set up to interface with something like that 7-seg. "Easiest" solution would be to use the Phidget GraphicLCD, then it would be just the HUB0000, TMP1101, and LCD1100. Can set it up to display all 4 of your temperatures.
Otherwise with the TM1637 you will need an additional microcontroller such as an Arduino to interface with it.
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Re: Thermocouples and Temperature Display

Post by whelgeson »

""Easiest" solution would be to use the Phidget GraphicLCD, then it would be just the HUB0000, TMP1101, and LCD1100. Can set it up to display all 4 of your temperatures."

This exactly what I would like to do only with two thermocouples. How would I show the data of both on the LCD while still reading and using the data in Artisan Scope for roasting? I have ordered the HUB000, TMP1101 but did not know how to get the data to the LCD1100 from the TMP1101. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Thermocouples and Temperature Display

Post by mparadis »

The tricky part here is that Artisan doesn't have support (as far as I know) for an LCD1100 readout, so you have to have your own small program running alongside Artisan that solely looks at the thermocouples and prints their values to the LCD screen. Normally a Phidget can only be open in one program at a time, but if you open remotely (using the Phidget Network Server) then any number of programs can view the thermocouples simultaneously.

I haven't used Artisan myself, but reading their documentation indicates that they do support remote connection.

To summarize:
- Write a short program that opens the Phidgets remotely, repeatedly checks thermocouple temperatures and prints them to the LCD screen
- Go into the Phidget Control Panel and start the Network Server (if on Win/Mac) or run the network server exe (if on Linux)
- Configure artisan to connect remotely, even if the Phidgets are locally connected to the computer running Artisan
- run both programs

If you don't have experience programming, I would recommend writing it in python and starting with our python examples for the LCD1100 and TMP1101. You can then combine the two examples to print temperatures to the screen. The "Referencing Phidgets from Other Events" section of this page will be helpful for this. If you get stuck feel free to contact support or make a post here.
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