Facing issue with libusb-dev when installing phidget22 libraries on a Raspberry PI running Buster

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Facing issue with libusb-dev when installing phidget22 libraries on a Raspberry PI running Buster

Post by mealgi »


I have a Phidgets wireless VINT hub HUB5000_0 connected to some RTD temperature sensors. the wireless VINT hub is controlled by a Raspberry PI 3 in Ethernet mode on a local network.

I want to install phidget22 libraries on the Raspberry PI 3 and am currently facing an issue with the libusb-dev library.

To present some elements of context:

The Raspberry PI 3 is running Buster as shown below;

"$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

I already have the latest version of libusb-dev (2:0.1.12-32) as shown below:

"$ sudo apt-get install libusb-dev
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
libusb-dev est déjà la version la plus récente (2:0.1.12-32).

I have downloaded the libphidget22 library as explained in the link https://www.phidgets.com/docs/OS_-_Linu ... %20Install and am using the generic install because of Buster version.

The libphidget22 library is located in /home/pi/libphidget22-1.6.20201117

When i launch the ./configure command i get the message: configure: error: Missing libusb! as shown below:
checking for library containing sqrt... -lm
checking for library containing pthread_create... -lpthread
checking for library containing libusb_init... no
configure: error: Missing libusb!

I did not install libusb-1.0-0-dev via the command "apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev" because I am using the latest version of libusb-dev and do not want to override it.

I would be grateful if someone already had the issue and could provide me some hints/support on the way to tackle the issue ?

I thank you in advance for your reply.

Best regards
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Re: Facing issue with libusb-dev when installing phidget22 libraries on a Raspberry PI running Buster

Post by Patrick »


libusb-dev is for the (very old) libusb 0.1 - the package name has just always been (10+ years) libusb/libusb-dev. libusb 1.0, which is required by phidgets, is libusb-1.0-0/libusb-1.0-0-dev.

These 2 libusb's are completely independent and can both be installed side-by-side.

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Re: Facing issue with libusb-dev when installing phidget22 libraries on a Raspberry PI running Buster

Post by mealgi »


I have completed the installation and made some tests of connection between Raspberry PI and the HUB5000 successfully.

Many thanks for your support.

Best regards
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