Trying to get 0/16/16 board up and running on Pi

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Re: Trying to get 0/16/16 board up and running on Pi

Post by Mastiff »

Thanks, I know where the log is. But as I said there was nothing in it except for "Logging enabled" (and the time it started logging). But during the night there came another error, so this is the full file now:
2020-11-25T14:58:45 <ERROR> phidget22 :
****************************** Logging Enabled ******************************
* Phidget22 - Version 1.6 - Built Nov 17 2020 16:42:40 *
* Release 1.6 - Linux (32-bit) *
2020-11-26T01:43:03 <ERROR> phidget22net[checkKeepAlive()] : www,nodejs:// keepalive check failed - keepalive: [4000000 usec] overshot by: [35 usec]
2020-11-26T01:43:03 <ERROR> phidget22net[runClientConnection()] : 'MadMax-14' failed for client www,nodejs://
server.c+658 handleDeviceClient() : (Timed Out) failed to handle client request
And I didn't see any errors while installing the package, no. The only thing fom phidget that's in /usr/bin is the phidget22networkserver, so it has not been installed. Should I "top" the package installation by doing the make install of one of the downloadable packages? Or maybe there is an error in the package install so it doesn't install the admin bin. I can go back to the previous image and see what happens if I try a new package install, if you think that's worth a shot.
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Re: Trying to get 0/16/16 board up and running on Pi

Post by Patrick »

That error is probably just related to the node-red connection being shut down. If you switch the network server to INFO logging you may see more useful info. I'm not familiar with Node-RED - maybe Mike can help you out further.

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Re: Trying to get 0/16/16 board up and running on Pi

Post by Mastiff »

I tried to find out what starts the server to change the log level, since it's not started by systemd. Where should I look?

Also, is it the libphidget22extra file that contains the admin binaries that I should install?
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Re: Trying to get 0/16/16 board up and running on Pi

Post by Mastiff »

OK, I have solved all that, thanks for the help so far! I'm going to Python and Javascript to see if I can get this to actually do something for me. :mrgreen:
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