Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

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Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by danthoskin »

Hi, I am finally getting back to my project with 5 HUB5000's connected to a switch, then to a PC controlling my machine. I seem to be quite horrible at network related issues, because I am well into my second day of trying to get these things to communicate. I was hoping that someone will take pity on me and give me a step by step way to set this up. Here's what the system looks like:

-Dell Win 10 PC
-DLink DGS-108 ethernet switch
-5 Wireless Vint Hubs (Installed inside a cabinet, so I need to connect through ethernet.

Ethernet cables connecting PC to switch, and switch to each hub.

I have tried everything I can think of, gone through the hub manual, watched a ton of YouTube videos on networking and I am still unable to make this work. Bonjour is installed and the hubs are ok because I can access them through my office wifi network with no issues.

I would greatly appreciate a step by step solution for this, or even a point in the right direction.

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Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by Patrick »

If I understand, you are using just a switch (not a router with DHCP or something) - have you set up each of the HUB5000s with a static IP and the correct netmask, etc. as well as setting your PC to the same subnet?

Are you just having trouble connecting to the Hubs at all? Do they show up in the control panel on your PC?

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Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by danthoskin »

Hi Patrick,

I set the PC'c Ethernet (static) settings as follows:
Subnet Prefix length: 24 (no option in Win 10 for Subnet Mask?)

And the Hub as:
Subnet Mask:

Now the Phidgets Control Panel shows the Hub connected though Ethernet under the 'Network Phidgets' tab and allows access to it through a browser, but it does not come up on the 'Phidgets' tab with its connected devices like it did when connected through wireless before.

I am certain I am just missing a detail or two, but it has me quite stumped. Any help here is greatly appreciated.

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Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by danthoskin »

I restarted the PC and hub and now the hub shows up under the Phidgets tab, but i doesn't show the VINT devices connected to it. I've tried a few different hubs, devices and cables to eliminate hardware issues, so I am stuck again. Much closer now though.
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Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by danthoskin »

Another update:

It turns out I do have some hardware issues. I configured the 5 other hubs I have here as described above and they all work flawlessly through the ethernet connections. These are the hardware problems I found after factory resets, software updates and identical configurations to above:
1- One hub shows up in the Phidgets tab of the PH Control Panel, but does not respond to any VINT devices being connected to it. Even after PC and hub restarts and multiple factory reset / updates.
2- the other hub shows up in the Phidgets tab of the PH Control Panel, but as soon as any VINT device is connected to it, it begins to 'flash' in the Control Panel. Even after PC and hub restarts and multiple factory reset / updates.

Any thoughts on the hardware or should I post this in a new post?

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Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by Patrick »

Just so I understand: you have 5 HUB5000s and 3 work fine, 1 doesn't show VINT devices, and 1 shows VINT devices flashing?

In the windows control panel, are all HUB5000s showing the same firmware version, and what is it? v106 is the latest but you may be on v105.

Can you post the Phidget network server log output from the failing hubs - this can be found in the web interface.

For a network set up like this, I'd probably recommend using the addServer API with static IP rather then using enableServerDiscovery, in your final application. Server discovery on Windows can be a little finicky, as you've noticed in the control panel.

And yes, probably just replace the HUB5000s - you can contact support about this.

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Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by danthoskin »

Total of 5 hubs in this project. I own 6 good ones and the two with the issues for a total of 8 hubs on the bench here.
I'll plug in the ones with the issues and post those logs.
I updated all the hubs,including the ones I did a factory reset on. The version that it saved as is this: phidgethub5000_1.0.40.20200306.bin, Is that the latest version? If not, how do I opt for another?

The addServer API sounds like exactly what I need. I'll look that up.
I'm confident that this thing will be amazing when it's done, and your help along the way is most appreciated.
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Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by danthoskin »

As far as the logs, I only see "System" and "Kernel" logs in the web interface. Are these what you are looking for?

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Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by danthoskin »

Would I be better off with the USB version of the hub? I had some issues with USB connectivity on other projects and thought that the ethernet option would be more solid in the end, but for the price of 5 hubs, if the USB version is solid and less of a pain to configure for this, I could use the 5000's on other projects IF the USB versions connect reliably. They are mounted in a cabinet within 24" of the PC and they at least 6" away from the biggest power in there, which is 220vac at about 15 amps max.

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Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by Patrick »

I'd generally recommend USB over Network where feasible.

The network server log is on the Phidgets tab in the web interface.

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