IO board not recognized when connected via USB hub

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IO board not recognized when connected via USB hub

Post by jmstack »

Over the years I have been buying dozens of 8/8/8 Phidget IO boards.
These are used in a "Control Box" for a Windows application that I market to a specific user group.
Recently I bought 3 new ones and started constructing the "boxes".
However, when I connect the new boards to my development PC, I get an error message from Windows stating that "USB device not recognized".
But if I take an older box (with an older 8/8/8) it works OK. (connected the exact same way)

If I crawl under my table and connect the new 8/8/8 directly to an free USB port on the PC, it gets recognized and works OK.

It seems now that the new boards will not work when connected via a USB hub, but seem to work when they have a "private" USB port on the PC.
This is definitely a new (and most unwanted...) behavior!

Has anyone else noticed something similar?
/Johan S
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Re: IO board not recognized when connected via USB hub

Post by Patrick »

Can you confirm whether a new 8/8/8 fails while connected via the cables and hub of a working 'old' box? Just to rule out hub/cable issues.

Also, try with nothing connected to the 8/8/8 IO ports, and/or a shorter USB cable between 8/8/8 and Hub. Could be a voltage draw issue.

If you are using an un-powered USB Hub, try switching to a powered hub.

The 8/8/8 itself has not been changed is a long time, so new stock should be identical to old stock.

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Re: IO board not recognized when connected via USB hub

Post by jmstack »

My old Control Box (that works also via HUB) has a 8/8/8 board with a USB type B connector.
The new boards have USB mini-8, so I must use different cables for the two boards.

If I try to connect the two board/cable combos to various USB ports on my development PC the following can be observed:

Via HUB: only the old board gets recognized and works in my application.
Via direct PC USB port: both boards gets recognized and work in my application.

So, my conclusion is that both USB cables work OK
I shall do some further testing with a laptop PC and some other hubs.
Hopefully this is an isolated problem that can be worked around!
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Re: IO board not recognized when connected via USB hub

Post by Patrick »

The old 1018 with the larger USB connector is running a different USB processor which can run at lower USB voltages. I think you're probably seeing a voltage drop issue. Try using a powered USB hub.

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