Sending keyboard combinations to multiple computers using Phidget

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Sending keyboard combinations to multiple computers using Phidget

Post by Haggis2018 »

I need to send a keyboard key combination to 5 computers simultaneously triggered from a simple push button. Would this be possible using the spare interfacekit 8/8/8 6 port USB hub Phidget that we have.
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Re: Sending keyboard combinations to multiple computers using Phidget

Post by jdecoux »

You can use the Phidget Network Server to have all the computers in question monitor for the event, and trigger the keyboard combination locally.

The easiest solution would be to set them all up to connect to the 1019 using the Phidget Network Server, and monitor the state of the button using a DigitalInput object.

Alternately, if you don't want those computers to connect to the 1019 directly, you could run a program on the machine hosting the 1019 to update a Phidget Dicitonary, that would be monitored by client applications running on the other machines. This is likely a more involved solution than what you are asking for, but it is an option.
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