Error 7008 on StepperSetTargetPosition or Labview Crash on the same call function

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Error 7008 on StepperSetTargetPosition or Labview Crash on the same call function

Post by sinestic »

Hi, as i wrote in the object, my labview program stuck into the call from dll of the function StepperSetTargetPosition. I inserted this block with the StepperGetPosition in a subvi. I tried to debug the problem but everytime i run into this block labview crash without an error and i tried to put the function outside the subvi with the same result. i really don't know what is the problem that causing this, because the crash happens when call the function DLL. I'm using latest version of windows 10 and labview 2017 f2.
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Re: Error 7008 on StepperSetTargetPosition or Labview Crash on the same call function

Post by jdecoux »

7008 is the error code for an address issue. This may indicate a problem with the Phidget ID being provided to the VI.

Does this problem occur with the Stepper Step Mode Example provided with the Phidgets LabVIEW library?

If not, can you attach a picture of a simple version of your code that causes the problem?
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Re: Error 7008 on StepperSetTargetPosition or Labview Crash on the same call function

Post by sinestic »

yes, with every example. The problem is located on call function dll. The error occurs not at first pass in this block or others block. Is complicated i know, but only one time i received the error number. I downgraded to labview 2014 and now works fine. i think it's a lv2017 bug
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Re: Error 7008 on StepperSetTargetPosition or Labview Crash on the same call function

Post by fraser »

Phidget calls to the library will return "Address Issue" or EPHIDGET_FAULT if there is an issue with a object pointer. In this instance for setTargetPosition, it returns it if the pointer to the object being set is NULL. So somewhere, the Phidget object is losing its address before being passed to the function. Tracking down where might be more tricky.
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