Logging interface

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Logging interface

Post by dmccue128 »

Documentation page entitled, "Logging, Exceptions, and Errors", in the section labeled, "Logging", states:

"There are five different logging levels, ranging from "Give me Everything!" to "Tell me only about critical problems".

But the text just above shows, "Log.enable(LogLevel.DEBUG, null);"
This seems to use a LogLevel.DEBUG which is not one of these five logging levels.

The documentation goes on to say, "These are available in the Enumerations section of Logging API in the Phidget22 API documentation". They are not.

Please explain the available logging levels.
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Re: Logging interface

Post by Patrick »

Debug log level is only active for debug library builds, so it's not useful to users - I'll update the document to reflect that.

For normal use, you'll want to use error, warning, or info levels. Critical is almost never used, and verbose produces too much output for anything other then library debugging.

The LogLevel enum is part of the logging API, and you will see it listed on the Logging API page - not sure what you mean by saying they are not there?

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Re: Logging interface

Post by dmccue128 »

Patrick, Thank you, the explanation is very clear.
You are correct the enumeration is present under the documentation for the logging API. I appreciate the help.
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