Transitioning from Phidget21 to Phidgets22, on OSX, with Max7 and "PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8" 1018_2

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Transitioning from Phidget21 to Phidgets22, on OSX, with Max7 and "PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8" 1018_2

Post by georgekhut »

Hi all
I teach an undergraduate course in tangible interaction at a University in Australia. We've been using the Phidgets Interface Kit 8/8/8 with analog sensors and Max7 on OSX. Our computer labs get updated every semester – but we missed the new drivers for Phidget22.

With the recent update to Phidget22 – I'm having a hard time providing example patches for use in the lab - that can also be used by students wishing to work on their own laptops. I'm currently trying to test on my own laptop - which still has Phidget21 drivers and the old Max Libraries e.g. "PhidgetInterfaceKit".

I assume we need to completely delete the old libraries AND system Drivers – before installing Phidget22…

Any suggestions for how to do this?
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Re: Transitioning from Phidget21 to Phidgets22, on OSX, with Max7 and "PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8" 1018_2

Post by mparadis »

You can have Phidget21 and Phidget22 installed at the same time. In fact, your programs can use both simultaneously if need be (although it would be cleaner to stick with one or the other).

For the purposes you've described, you don't necessarily need to upgrade to Phidget22; the new library is only required for our new VINT devices. We won't be doing any bug fixes for Phidget21, but if it already works, then you can continue using it. You can find links to Phidget21 drivers on the same pages where the Phidget22 drivers are downloaded.

If you want to switch over to Phidget22, you can read about the main differences in coding structure here. The API reference for Max/MSP in Phidget22 can be found here (Select Max/MSP from the first drop-down box).
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