How to cross compile Phidget Lib in linux for ARM SDK

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How to cross compile Phidget Lib in linux for ARM SDK

Post by stinkpot »

I try to cross compile Phidget driver for ARM9 board, but in Phidget webpage, the description is:

~/phidget_libraries $> ./configure --prefix=/usr/arm-linux-gnueabi --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-gnueabi

I do not use the standard arm-linux-gnueabi tool, but aother arm-gnueabi-bovine tool, how can I do it?

How I can make the cross compiling working properly?

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Re: How to cross compile Phidget Lib in linux for ARM SDK

Post by Zadornov »


I am also interested in that. I am using a ARM board called Small 210 S and I need to control some stepper motors with this board. What can I do to compile the Phidget Library for Linux ARM?
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Re: How to cross compile Phidget Lib in linux for ARM SDK

Post by Lambda »

I am also interested, I want to use PhidgetSpatial on Zynq (ARM Cortex-A9)
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