HOW-TO: Make a Remote Controlled vehicle with an SBC

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Re: HOW-TO: Make a Remote Controlled vehicle with an SBC

Post by Jacob »

I got it


Code: Select all

vi /etc/init.d/
In your new file enter

Code: Select all

ifconfig wlan0 down
iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc
iwconfig wlan0 essid 'test'
iwconfig wlan0 key 1234567890
ifconfig wlan0 up
ifconfig wlan0

Code: Select all

chmod +x /etc/init.d/

Code: Select all

update-rc.d defaults 100

And your done!
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Re: HOW-TO: Make a Remote Controlled vehicle with an SBC

Post by EEPBppt »

Rob thanks for this tutorial, it was very helpfull. I made a robot similar to your tank wich everyone liked at school, but I have a problem with the time it takes to respond to my comands. It is controlled with the wiimote and it takes around 5 seconds to respond ( sometimes it takes even more) I think is because I haven´t used the AD-HOC conection. Would thar really help?
Also I would like to add proximity sensors so that the robot stop in case of an inminent crash. But again the time it takes for the feedback is too much I just want to know if it will help to add the AD-HOC conection before doing it . You can watch a video of it here:
Thanks and congratulations for your tank its very cool
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Re: HOW-TO: Make a Remote Controlled vehicle with an SBC

Post by pmrawk »

These directions were great! Is it possible to use WPA2 in ad-hoc mode on the SBC2? I thought about editing thewpa_supplicant.conf file, but it says that it will be overwritten. Is there a better way to enable WPA2 on the SBC2s?
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Re: HOW-TO: Make a Remote Controlled vehicle with an SBC

Post by Patrick »

look into hostapd - this puts the wifi interface into real access point mode (master mode), not ad-hoc, and you can configure it for WPA2, etc. just like a real access point.

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Re: HOW-TO: Make a Remote Controlled vehicle with an SBC

Post by yannick »

Hi Robert, you said you can connect multiple webcams on the SBC board, I was wondering did you have to make some changes to the SBC software itself or did it work right away when pluggin the second webcam in? I need to have 2 webcams on the SBC and I can only get 1 working at the time. I connected to the SBC remotely and I can see both webcams in /dev/video0 and /dev/video1, I can switch from one cam to the other by using the script /lib/udev/mjpg_streamer.agent provided, but every time I try to turn on the second cam, the first one goes off.

Please let me know if you can help me with this.

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