Unable to link Phidget21 Library in XCode 4.4.1

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Re: Unable to link Phidget21 Library in XCode 4.4.1

Post by Bvis222 »

The Framework is in a good directory. If I remove it from that directory the precompiled examples don't work.

I have not written a single line of Xcode...this is a project from the examples and should just compile or what use are they?
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Re: Unable to link Phidget21 Library in XCode 4.4.1

Post by ebya »

I've no troubles with example files on terminal, only linker error on xcode, and I can run my own code on makefile.

So if you can't run example from terminal you've something wrong with the fw /:

IDE's update can make example code to fail during compilation, it happens, that's all.

Just have to wait an answer to this.

NB : the precompiled example? I just checked the downloaded file there isn't any precompiled example, have you tried to use a terminal or makefile to check if you got everything good with the fw?
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Re: Unable to link Phidget21 Library in XCode 4.4.1

Post by Bvis222 »

there is a precompiled example for every phidgets board. If you go to http://www.phidgets.com/docs/Language_- ... _Downloads and download the Example Code you will find precompiled examples and corresponding example code for the precompiled examples.
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Re: Unable to link Phidget21 Library in XCode 4.4.1

Post by ebya »

ok I never downloaded this one, only the driver one with sources.
I've you tried to make them run with a terminal? If they don't work just try to delete the fw and redo the instal, and just copy the error send by the terminal (may give me a clue of what is going wrong for you).

Still trying to figure out why I got linker errors.
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Re: Unable to link Phidget21 Library in XCode 4.4.1

Post by kahht »

You can also use this command line to compile:
gcc example.c -o example -I/Library/Frameworks/Phidget21.framework/Headers -F/Library/Frameworks -framework Phidget21

The -F has the path to your frameworks folder where the Phidget21.framework folder is located.
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Re: Unable to link Phidget21 Library in XCode 4.4.1

Post by Steven »

ebya wrote:Hi,

Got exactly the same linker problem.

I've double checked the framework location

OS X : 10.7.5
Xcode : 4.4.1

Remembers me some troubles I got time ago with other frameworks... too long ago to still have the answer.

EDIT : I tried to compile by command lines, still perfectly works. But I'd love to to dit in xcode :/
EDIT2 : try to cpy to Dev/Lib/Fram but still go the same errors; update xcode to 4.6 (for cuda issues) still not working.
I met the same condition with you, Have you solved it? I have no idea why the linker fails
I'll appreciate if you can share your solution with me :)
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