OS - Linux

From Phidgets Support
Revision as of 22:26, 17 January 2012 by Cora (talk | contribs) (→‎As A Service)

Phidgets can run on Linux directly using USB, or remotely over a network using the Phidget Webservice.

You need kernel version 2.6 (released in 2003) or later.

Getting Started (Libraries and Drivers)

Linux does not have a graphical user interface to check your Phidget, but we walk your through a method on the command line below. Once you have your systems set up properly, you can pick your programming language and start creating code.

For any language, you will need the basic Phidget Libraries for Linux:


To install the libraries, follow these steps:

  1. Download libusb-0.1 and its development libraries
    • Try apt-cache search libusb in a terminal to find current packages
    • Or install from source, which includes the libusb development libraries
  2. Unpack and install the Phidget Libraries for Linux (download above)
    • From the main unpacked libraries directory, run:
      sudo make install
    • This will compile phidget21.h and place the library into your gcc path

Note: Although the libraries are written in C, the libraries for Python, Java, and most other Phidget-supported languages depend on them.


To confirm the libraries were installed and work correctly, you can check both the hardware and software sides of the interface. It is worth checking the software side first, because if it works then you know the hardware side is also okay.


To confirm that the libraries were installed correctly and can be used in code, you can use the Phidget C Examples:

The easiest way to confirm correct installation will be to compile and run the HelloWorld C example. This does not involve writing any C code, but it does involve compiling the example and running it, which is a quick process as we show below. If you feel more comfortable running the HelloWorld example for your specific language, you can skip below and pick your language, but keep in mind that any problems could be with the C library installation and not necessarily with your language.

To compile and run the basic C example for checking your installation:

1. Unpack the Phidget C Examples (download above)
2. Open a terminal (often Ctrl-Alt-T) and go to the directory where the examples are unpacked
3. Compile the HelloWorld.c example:

     gcc HelloWorld.c -o HelloWorld -lphidget21

4. Run the HelloWorld example:

     sudo ./HelloWorld

(The sudo is needed for USB access for now)

The -lphidget21 will look in the standard library location for your Linux distribution (usually /usr/lib/) for the Phidget 21 library file.

Generally, libraries to be linked on Linux through gcc have a naming convention. For example, -lphidget21 looks for the binary files libphidget21.a and libphidget21.so in the library location (usually /usr/lib). These files are automatically put in the library location during the make install step of installing the libraries above.

The HelloWorld program will simply print out basic information for any device you plug in, and print a message upon unplugging the device. For example, starting the program, plugging in an Interface Kit Phidget, unplugging the Interface Kit, and pressing Enter displays:

   $ sudo ./HelloWorld 
   Press Enter to end

   Hello to Device Phidget InterfaceKit 8/8/8, Serial Number: 37299
   Goodbye Device Phidget InterfaceKit 8/8/8, Serial Number: 37299



If the out-of-the-box examples do not work, make sure the Phidget is seen by your USB interface. To check this, you can use the kernel log reader dmesg. Pipe the output of dmesg into the utility tail to simply read the last ten lines of the log:

     $> dmesg | tail
     ....(9 lines)....
     [24344.013638] usb 2-1.2: new low speed USB device number 5 using ehci_hcd

The number between the [ ] is the system time in seconds since the last boot up, so you can tell whether the event was recent or not. (This will also tell you the interrupt type of Phidget that is registered by the USB interface, see the limitations section below for more information on what this means.)

The Phidget should both connect and disconnect properly, so unplugging it should result in an additional line at the tail:

     $> dmesg | tail
     ....(8 lines)....
     [24344.013638] usb 2-1.2: new low speed USB device number 5 using ehci_hcd
     [25094.809328] usb 2-1.2: USB disconnect, device number 5

If you don't see similar lines to these at the tail of your kernel log, take a look at the troubleshooting section below, as well as the Communications section of our general troubleshooting page.


If the examples do not work but USB does work (i.e. your computer can consistently see the device in the hardware), take a moment to check the basics:

  • No other programs, drivers, or processes are using that USB port in software
  • You are running the example program as root (or your udev rules have been set properly)
  • You are using libusb 0.1 (not 1.0 or later)
  • You have compiled versions of libphidget21.a and libphidget21.so in your system library location (usually /usr/lib)
  • The Phidget libraries are the latest version (visit the getting started section above to download them)
  • Your Linux kernel version is 2.6 or later (type uname -r in a terminal to get your kernel version)
  • Check the limitations section below, some specific combinations can cause problems

If your problem doesn't seem to be fixed by the steps above, make sure that the Phidget is seen consistently by USB (if it is erratic, try our general troubleshooting guide). If you are still having problems after the troubleshooting guide, please ask us!

Programming Languages

Now that you have the basic libraries installed, you can pick your language and begin programming!

If you are not using the webservice (discussed below) to control a Phidget over a network, your next step will be to delve into the use of your specific language. Each page has its own set of specific libraries, code examples, and setup instructions.

On Linux, we recommend the following languages:

You can also use these languages, but they do not support event driven code, and must use logic code only:


The Phidget Webservice allows you to remotely control a Phidget over a network.
Before using these webservice drivers, it may help to learn about how the Phidget Webservice works.

Installing the Webservice

To install the webservice, you must first have the Phidget libraries installed. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Download avahi and its development libraries (mdnsresponder/bonjour is also an option, see below)
    • Try apt-cache search avahi in a terminal to find current packages
    • Often, this is installed in a default system, you may already have it
  2. Unpack and install the Phidget Webservice source code tarball for Linux (download above)
    • From the unpacked Webservice source code directory, run:
      sudo make install
    • This will compile the executable phidgetwebservice21 and place it into /usr/bin/phidgetwebservice21

Webservice with BSD

For BSD, the webservice has been found to work (BSD 8+) but requires a special configuration at the ./configure step:

 ./configure LIBS=/usr/lib/libphidget21.so CFLAGS=-pthread

Then make and sudo make install are the same.
The LIBS argument may not be necessary, but sometimes BSD has trouble finding the library install location. The CFLAGS argument is needed because BSD needs explicit linking for using threads.

Webservice with mDNSResponder

To use mdnsresponder instead of avahi, change the configure script to be:

  ./configure --enable-zeroconf=bonjour

(To see all options, use ./configure --help like you would any configure script)

Setting Up the Webservice

To set up and use the webservice, it helps to have set your udev rules. Otherwise, you must run the webservice as root.

You can get command line help with phidgetwebservice21 by using the -h option:

Linux phidget21webservice help.png

You will see this help regardless of whether the webservice was correctly hooked in to avahi. In fact, you will see it even if you explicitly disabled mDNS in the ./configure step at compile:

  ./configure --disable-zeroconf

(To see all options, use ./configure --help like you would any configure script)

Using a server name to connect would not be an option without avahi or some other mDNS service; otherwise you would have to use an IP address. In that case, the command line is the fastest way to learn the default server name and IP address of your computer:

  • For the default server name, use hostname on the command line.
  • For your IP address, use ifconfig -a on the command line.
    • A line in the return text, under your main internet connection (usually eth0) will say something like inet addr:, which is your IP.

Using the Webservice

To use a Phidget over the webservice, you'll want to:

  • Obtain code you can use to open a Phidget remotely
  • Start the webservice on the computer that directly connects to the Phidget
  • Run your program on the remote computer that will control the Phidget over the network

The easiest way to test these steps on Linux is simply to set up the webservice and run the Phidget program on the same computer. Later, you can replace one of the two ends with a different computer and/or operating system.

To quickly create code to run remotely, in our examples we include commented out lines with openRemote() function calls of different types. In the C example for your device, find the line that says:

CPhidget_open((CPhidgetHandle) device, -1)

and change it to be:

   int serial_number = 37299
   CPhidget_openRemoteIP ((CPhidgetHandle) device, serial_number, "", 5001, NULL)

Except that you should replace 37299 with the serial number of your Phidget, which you can obtain from either the Phidget board itself, or from when you ran the HelloWorld example code above. The IP address "" simply loops back to the same computer, and 5001 is the default port as found from using phidget21webservice -h as shown above. The NULL is used to not specify a password.

Save the changed example under a different filename. In the walkthrough here, we were using the InterfaceKit.c example, and renamed it to be InterfaceKitRemote.c

Compile your new C file. In the InterfaceKitRemote.c case, this would be by:

   gcc InterfaceKitRemote.c -o InterfaceKitRemote -lphidget21

1. Start two terminals to run this test, usually opened via Ctrl-Alt-T. Your udev rules need to be set up or you should use sudo for every command. First, start the webservice in Terminal #1:

Linux ws start.png

This will broadcast any Phidget events, and receive any Phidget requests, both over the network.

2. Start the program that you compiled above which will open the remote Phidget. In this case, it is InterfaceKitRemote:

Linux ws step2.png

3. Now, plug in the Phidget! The phidget21webservice program captures the attach and other events and sends them out over the network (in the background in Terminal #1) and the Phidget software objected opened with openRemote in Terminal #2 receives them:

Linux ws step3.png

4. You can confirm that the webservice was indeed behind this exchange by killing the webservice process while still allowing the remote program to run:

Linux ws step4.png

Debugging the Webservice

In addition to enabling logging in your Phidget code, you can get additional debugging information from the Webservice itself. This additional debugging is enabled via a re-compile of the webservice. From the source code directory, do:

  make clean

  ./configure --enable-debug


  sudo make install

Advanced Uses

Setting udev Rules

If you don't want to be using sudo to run Phidget programs (including the webservice) forever, you will want to create a udev rule to allow yourself access to the Phidget when you are not root.

Udev has an easy way to set the owner and permissions of the USB interface of the Phidget. But you need to give udev something to match in order to apply the new settings. Here, we will tell udev to match the vendor code for Phidgets, Inc. You can get the vendor code in hex by using lsusb:

   $> lsusb
   ....Information about other devices...
   Bus 002 Device 013: ID 06c2:0045 Phidgets Inc. (formerly GLAB) PhidgetInterface Kit 8-8-8

The two numbers separated by a colon are the codes for vendor:product. Since we want to set up the rule so that all Phidgets, no matter what product, can be used without root privileges, we use the vendor code, which is 06c2.

The rules for udev are kept in files in /etc/udev/rules.d/ and are traditionally grouped into order of running (10 runs before 20, 30, etc) and device type (cd, network, etc). There should be one or more files in there already - if this is your first time editing udev rules take a look at them to see the syntax to use:

  • Commas separate each pair with == or =
  • One rule on each line, no line breaks
  • Quotes around the value to be matched or changed
  • Comments can be added on lines starting with #

Strictly speaking, the files run in lexical order (i.e. the order they're listed when you use ls). A device can match many rules, and all will apply (if possible). If conflicting rules are found, the first rule found is followed.

To make sure the Phidget udev rules are found first, we can create a file 10-persistent-usb.rules (all udev rule files need to end with .rules) and add one line to it:

   SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="06c2", MODE="0666", OWNER="user"

Make sure to replace user with your user name. You probably recognize the 06c2 from the vendor discussion above. We have added the match on SUBSYSTEM to search first within usb (within a possibly big database). The MODE sets read and write privileges for everyone to the device, and OWNER sets the owner to be you.

Save the 10-persistent-usb.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/ and then change its permissions so it can be read by all:

   sudo chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/10-persistent-usb.rules

The udev rule is now set, and it just has to get read in. The reading of the rules is goverened by a daemon, udevd, which you can manage via the program udevadm. The udevadm man page is quite extensive for all sorts of uses of udevadm while you are testing this or other udev rules. To re-read and implement the rules without having to reset the daemon or reset the computer, you can use:

   sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

Finally, if you performed all of these steps with the Phidget plugged in to your computer, you will need to unplug and plug the Phidget back in before trying to use usb access without root privileges.

Starting the Webservice at Boot

If you are tired of starting the webservice on the command line all the time, you can have the webservice start when your system starts, every time.

User Space

If you are running a standard Linux machine with an X-server (Unity, KDE) the easiest way to do this is to have it start when your x server starts.

In this case, the webservice will be running in user space, so your udev rules need to be set up for the your user permissions to be able to access the USB ports using libusb.

Within the X-windowing system, there is usually some sort of System → Settings/Preferences → Startup that you can choose to add programs that start when a user session starts. On Ubuntu you can use Unity to find programs listing "startup" in their names to accomplish the same thing. This will eventually lead you to a graphical tool like this to simply add the /usr/bin/phidgetwebservice21 program:

Linux ws boot.png

As A Service

This is if you are running a server, and need the webservice to be started as a booted, respawning service.

Most services that run on your Linux computer already have the ability to fork themselves. The webservice, however, is just a binary on Linux - phidgetwebservice21, and so we need to use the start-stop-daemon program to spawn a standalone process for us, or kill it, based on our service-like start, stop, and restart commands.


# Provides:          phidgetwebservice
# Required-Start:    $network $remote_fs
# Required-Stop:     $network $remote_fs
# Should-Start:      avahi
# Should-Stop:       avahi
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Phidget Webservice
# Description:       Phidget Webservice for controlling Phidgets over the network.

DESC="Phidget Webservice"

# Gracefully exit if the package has been removed.
test -x $DAEMON || exit 0

# load config
[ -f $CFG ] && . $CFG

start() {
	[ -z "$pws_port" ] || OPTIONS="-p $pws_port "
	[ -z "$pws_password" ] || OPTIONS="$OPTIONS-P $pws_password "

	if [ -z "$pws_serverid" ]; then
		OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -n $( hostname )"
		OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -n $pws_serverid"
	echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
	start-stop-daemon -S -b -q -p $PIDFILE -m -x $DAEMON -- $OPTIONS && echo "OK" || echo "ALREADY RUNNING"

stop() {
	echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
	start-stop-daemon -K -q -p $PIDFILE -x $DAEMON && echo "OK" || echo "NOT RUNNING"

case "$1" in
	sleep 1
	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"

exit 0

Cross-Compiling with a Custom Toolchain

This would allow you to have the Phidget libraries compiled to include in code for an embedded device. When developing for an embedded device, you will often write code for it on your 'normal' computer, and then build the code to binary with a different target than the processor in your computer. Many microcontrollers do not have the ability to run a full operating system, and hence cannot compile code natively.

The collection of tools used to create binary code for a separate system is called a toolchain. Compiling the Phidget libraries specifically for an embedded system, and placing them into the path for writing code on top of the libraries is like adding another link in this chain.

   sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi

You can use the typical ./configure setup for custom build targets:

./configure --prefix=toolchain_location --build=this_system --host=target_system

For the Phidget libraries, the ./configure tool works this way as well. For example, let's say you're building the libraries to develop code for the Phidget Single Board Computer (SBC) as a target. Your system is a 32 bit system (i686-pc-linux-gnu) and the target system for the SBC is arm-linux-gnueabi. Download the Phidget libraries above and unpack them into a folder phidget_libraries. If /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi is the location of your ARM toolchain (downloaded above in gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi), type:

   user@server:~/phidget_libraries$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/arm-linux-gnueabi --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-gnueabi

Common Problems and Solutions

None yet, yay!


  • Linux will only schedule one low-speed interrupt transfer per millisecond. The practical consequence of this is if your system has many low speed Phidgets attached, they will each be throttled down. Low speed Phidgets require an interrupt transfer as often as every 8 milliseconds. A Linux system could only have up to 8 of these Phidgets attached.