Logging, Exceptions, and Errors: Difference between revisions

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====Error Codes====
====Error Codes====

A list of error codes can be found in the {{Phidget22API}}.  Refer to language specific exceptions in language that support them.
A list of error codes can be found in the {{Phidget22API}}.  Refer to language specific exceptions in languages that support them.

===Error Events===
===Error Events===

Revision as of 21:01, 11 July 2017

You've written your code, fixed the compiler errors, and yet, the program still isn't behaving as intended. The tools described on this page will help you further debug your program and figure out where in the code things are going wrong.


The Phidget22 API supports a general logging API that supports log levels, named sources of logs, and the writing of logs to a file or to a Phidget Network Server. The Phidget software library uses this logging system internally, so in addition to being able to log within your own software, information about what the Phidget software is doing is also available. Refer to the Logging API in the Phidget22 API for language specific information.

To begin, logging must be enabled

PhidgetLog_enable(PHIDGET_LOG_DEBUG, NULL);

Or in Java:

Log.enable(LogLevel.DEBUG, null);

When NULL is passed to enable() in the above examples, the logging system will output to STDERR.

There are five different logging levels, ranging from "Give me Everything!" to "Tell me only about critical problems".


Critical error messages.
Errors at this level are generally non-recoverable and indicate either hardware problems, library bugs, or other serious issues.


Non-critical error messages.
Errors at this level are generally automatically recoverable, but may help to track down issues.


Warning messages.
Warnings are used to log behavior that is not necessarily in error, but is nevertheless odd or unexpected.


Informational messages.
Informational messages communicate useful operations and states changes within the software


Verbose messages.
Verbose messages are informational messages that are expected to happen so frequently that they tend to drown out other log messages.

These are available in the Enumerations section of Logging API in the Phidget22 API documentation.

Logging in Your Program

Logging is performed using the log() method from the Logging API.

For example, in C:

PhidgetLog_log(PHIDGET_LOG_INFO, "Something happened in loop iteration %d!", i);

Or in Java:

Log.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Something happened in loop iteration " + i + "!");

The logging API supports the concept of a log source, were the log source is a textual identifier of where the log message originated. The log source is output to log the log file along with the log message to help organize the data.

The following examples define and create a log source, and then write a log message using that source.

#define MYSOURCE "mysource"
PhidgetLog_log(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, MYSOURCE, PHIDGET_LOG_INFO, "Something happened");

Or in Java:

public static final String MYSOURCE = "mysource";
Log.addSource(MYSOURCE, LogLevel.INFO);
Log.log(LogLevel.INFO, MYSOURCE, "Something happened);

Exceptions and Errors

There are two different types of errors that you can use to determine where a problem exists in your program.

Error Generated By Methods

When an error occurs during a method invocation, either a language specific exception is thrown, or an error is returned. It is important to check the return value from each method call, and to catch and handle exceptions.

For example, in C:

  main(int argc, char **argv) {
    PhidgetReturnCode res;

    res = PhidgetLog_enable(PHIDGET_LOG_ERROR, NULL);
    if (res != EPHIDGET_OK) {
      fprintf(stderr, "failed to enable Phidget logging: %d\n", res);

Or in Java:

  try {
      Log.enable(LogLevel.INFO, null);
  } catch (PhidgetException ex) {
      System.out.println("Failed to enable Phidget logging: " + ex.getMessage());

The consequence of not handling errors correctly ranges from the program crashing if an unhandled exception occurs to improper behavior. Program should check for errors on each method call, and handle any errors.

Error Codes

A list of error codes can be found in the Phidget22 API. Refer to language specific exceptions in languages that support them.

Error Events

Error events are asynchronously generated by Phidget devices, and the Phidget library isself, during runtime. A Phidget device might experience an excessive value (temperature, voltage, acceleration etc.), and trigger an error event to inform the program that is attached. This would not necessarily be due to any operation the program performed; instead, the operating environment of the Phidget device would likely be the cause. Error events are also fired when network errors occur, or the library is unable to handle incoming change events quickly enough (event handlers could be too slow).

Error events are handled by setting an error event handler.

In C:

  void CCONV
  errorEventHandler(PhidgetHandle ch, void *ctx, Phidget_ErrorEventCode code,
    const char *errorDescription) {
        Phidget_log(PHIDGET_LOG_ERROR, "Error Event [%d] %s", code, errorDescription);

  // set the error event handler before opening the channel
  res = Phidget_setOnErrorHandler((PhidgetHandle) ch, errorEventHandler, NULL);
  if (res != EPHIDGET_OK) {
    Phidget_log(PHIDGET_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set error handler for %P", ch);
    // XXX handle the error

In Java:

  ch.addErrorListener((ErrorEvent ee) -> {
    System.err.println("Error: " + ee.getDescription());

Error Codes

These codes are passed to an error event handler. See the Phidget22 API documentation for your device to see which error event codes are supported. The error event codes are generic, and the error description passed to the error event handler may contain more detailed information about the actual cause of the error event.


Version Mismatch Error. Usually means client and server library versions are out of sync. Update to the latest version of the Phidget software.


The Phidget device channel has already been locally attached. Only one channel may attach locally to a device channel.


An error occurred with the network communications. See the error description for more details.


An error occurred when trying to dispatch an event. It's possible that the data rate is too fast for the computer (or network) and the event queue has filled up.


An error state has ended. You can use the getDescription method of the error event to get more information.


Sampling overrun. Some samples were lost in firmware because the queue filled up. This error is exclusive to Phidget InterfaceKits.


Packet(s) were lost. This error is often an indication that your event handlers are not executing fast enough. Try to remove slow processes like GUI updates or user input from your handlers.


A variable has wrapped. For example, the encoder position can wrap from 2,147,483,647 to -2,147,483,648 because of an integer overflow.


Over-Temperature condition detected. See error description for more details.


Over-Current condition detected. See error description for more details.


Out of range condition detected. Usually an input on the board is reporting a value that is outside of the allowed range.


Power supply problem detected. Either the power supply is being overloaded, or it is under-powered (possibly not plugged in).


A sensor's value has reached the maximum or minimum of its sensing range. For example, a 1000 lux light sensor will throw this error event when a value greater than 1000 lux is detected. The sensor will still be reporting 1000 lux, but this error tells you that you don't know for certain how much higher than 1000 the real reading is.


Over-Voltage condition detected. Occurs in power-providing Phidgets when the output voltage exceeds the set value.


A voltage error occurs when a Phidget that provides a voltage output has the value drop below what what specified. This can happen if the device being powered draws too much current, which causes a voltage drop. Stay within output current specifications to avoid voltage errors.


An energy dump occurs when a power-providing Phidget needs to dissipate its extra energy. See the User Guide for your device for more information.

Other Problems

If your Phidget is still not behaving as expected after handling errors and exceptions, have a look at our General Troubleshooting guide to track down the problem.

Further Reading

Phidget Programming Basics - Here you can find the basic concepts to help you get started with making your own programs that use Phidgets.

Data Interval/Change Trigger - Learn about these two properties that control how much data comes in from your sensors.

Using Multiple Phidgets - It can be difficult to figure out how to use more than one Phidget in your program. This page will guide you through the steps.

Polling vs. Events - Your program can gather data in either a polling-driven or event-driven manner. Learn the difference to determine which is best for your application.

Phidget Network Server - Phidgets can be controlled and communicated with over your network- either wirelessly or over ethernet.

Best Phidgets Practices - Good programming habits that will save you from common problems when writing code for your Phidgets.