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Web Service automatic startup fails

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:43 am
by simonlucas
Hi. We are using a Phidgets Interface Kit on Windows 10, with v21 of the Phidgets driver. We have set the Web Service as automatic start-up. However sometimes when the PC is started up the Web Service does not start, and when we look at the control panel, the setting on the Web Service has returned to 'manual'.

Yesterday we confirmed that the control panel was remembering the automatic start-up after a PC restart. But today, after a boot up it has lost the 'automatic' setting.

What could be causing this? Other PCs with the same build seem to work correctly.

Re: Web Service automatic startup fails

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:44 am
by Patrick
You can try setting the startup mode from the Windows services panel.


Re: Web Service automatic startup fails

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:17 am
by simonlucas
Patrick wrote:You can try setting the startup mode from the Windows services panel.

Thank-you. We'll try.

Re: Web Service automatic startup fails

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 6:28 am
by simonlucas
What we found was not failure of the service to start up. Using the log I found errors which seem to suggest that the USB device was busy.
04/17/18 21:25:34,5312,".\windows\cusbwindows.c(580)",INFO,"CreateFileW failed with ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION - probably the Phidget is opened elsewhere."
04/17/18 21:25:34,5312,".\cphidget.c(1330)",WARN,"unable to open active device: 1"
Not clear how this error clears up when the control-panel is opened, which is what I have heard from the technical team on site. ie. once the control panel is opened out (Flash) software starts to respond to the RFID device connected to the Phidgets.

We are using v21 of the Phidgets driver.