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User rights for Phidgets

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 4:12 pm
by khun
After several evenings trying everything I can find, I still can't get my Phidget code to run without sudo. Or rather, sometimes it does for a while, but then it doesn't again.

Every time it can be solved by running it with sudo. But a web page doesn't run like that, so I can't get the web page to consistently attach to the phidget.

All descriptions I find make this seem like a very simple thing! I have really not done anything special on this Raspberry other than installing Phidgets.

I have a file called: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-libphidget22.rules like this:

SUBSYSTEMS==usb, ACTION==add, ATTRS{idVendor}==06c2, ATTRS{idProduct}==00[3-a][0-f], MODE=666

And this used to work fine with one Phidget. But then I updated things and added another Phidget, that I want to control from a web page. No I can't get the first one to run properly without sudo anymore.

phidget22admin -d shows that the phidgets are there and work in principle. I'm quite sure this is some user right software problem, but don't know how to fix it.