Phidget Speed?

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Re: Phidget Speed?

Post by Soronemus »

SilvaMouse wrote:
Soronemus wrote:Patrick,

I'm glad you liked the video! I will definitely try to remember to post a link to my thesis once it is 100% done. I just got the linear moves to work along with circular moves with an adjustable parameter for (moves/cm). Those are the only two types of moves I will be doing since it is the majority of what is found in Gcodes. I will be attaching my motors to the robot to verify that it is all working as intended very soon. Before I do that though I need to make a zeroing protocol which should be easy.

Thanks for the reply!
Is your thesis done yet Soronemus? Would love to read more about it.
Patrick wrote:Hi,

I write the stepper controller firmware at Phidgets. I really liked your video, I'd really like to implement this type of 5th order control with Phidgets - unfortunately right now we only support simple 3rd order control, and there is no way for you to directly control the stepper yourself - we take acceleration/velocity/position and calculate the steps in firmware. I'm hoping to implement better control in our next controller, but it's a tradeoff between better control algorithm and max supported velocity, as well as which micro we decide to use. Also, our boards only support one stepper, so coordination is a problem for multiple steppers. At any rate, I'd love to read your thesis!

You may want to look at our USB encoder boards - I think they'd be perfect for you.

Hey Guys,

I promised I would let you know when my thesis was finished, so here is the finished report. Enjoy :) ... s.pdf?dl=0
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Re: Phidget Speed?

Post by Patrick »

Thanks for posting, I look forward to reading it.

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Re: Phidget Speed?

Post by ThomasD3 »

could it make sense to attach a time stamp to every command on the USB protocol so that the firmware could do some form of compensation?

or, I don't know if you have space to store a command queue, with timestamps, on the board, but that could be another option where you can pre-fill a queue and trigger the start at any time, for multi motor rough sync.
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