Large community of hobbyists use LUA which isn't supported.. yet

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Large community of hobbyists use LUA which isn't supported.. yet

Post by TornadoWilkes »


A large number of potential customers are building flight simulators and avoiding Phidget cards due to their native coding language and the complexity of connecting to Phidgets. This is because the interface between the simulators (both FSX and Lockheed Martins Prepar3d 'P3D') is a software package called FSUIPC and it ships with a LUA language built in. Whilst the much older FSX integrated LUA can be connected using the LUACOM.DLL (32 bit) the later P3D LUA is 64 bit and cannot use 32 bit LUACOM. I know, I've done it.

If someone could devise an easy method of connecting P3D LUA 64 bit to Phidget22 then this would be a game changer for the Flight Sim community. Any thoughts?

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