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by Maxorzoom
Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:16 am
Forum: Python
Topic: A good library to use with a Logitech gamepad
Replies: 1
Views: 16419

A good library to use with a Logitech gamepad

This might seem like an easy beginner question (sorry to ask) but what library should I use if I want to use a brushless DC motor and control them with a controller. Also would I be able to initialized it such as motor.setTargetvelocity(controller input) or how would I go around starting it. Thank y...
by Maxorzoom
Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:20 am
Forum: Python
Topic: Timeout Probem
Replies: 1
Views: 16613

Timeout Probem

Im making a robot that has 4 brushless motors for the wheels and whenever I would launch the program the wheels do not start at once. Then I keep getting the error of Phidget timeout. please look at the code below for it fl = BLDCMotor() bl = BLDCMotor() br = BLDCMotor() fr = BLDCMotor() fl.setHubPo...