Temperature Ranking

Paper coffee cups generate a massive amount of trash every year. As more and more people search for an alternative to the throwaway cup, the reusable travel mug selection has increased. Travel mugs can also keep your beverage warm for longer than a paper cup. In this project, you will use a Thermocouple Phidget to determine which travel mug keeps your beverage the warmest.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following parts.

Thermocouple Phidget

Phidget Cable (2)




Flathead Screwdriver

USB cable



Step 1

Attach Thermocouple Phidget to the VINT Hub and VINT Hub to your computer.

Connect the thermocouple wires to the Phidget with a screwdriver (red = +, white = -).

Step 2

Optional, boil water and pour it into the cups, this will give the liquids time to cool.

Write code (Java)

Copy the code below into a new Java project. If you need a reminder of how to do this, revisit the Getting Started Course. Insert the code below.

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package temperatureranking;

//Add Phidgets Library
import com.phidget22.*;

public class TemperatureRanking {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{

        TemperatureSensor temperatureSensor = new TemperatureSensor();


        //Use your Phidget
            System.out.println("Temperature: " + temperatureSensor.getTemperature() + " °C");
//Add Phidgets Library
import com.phidget22.*;

public class TemperatureRanking {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{

        TemperatureSensor temperatureSensor = new TemperatureSensor();


        //Use your Phidget
            System.out.println("Temperature: " + temperatureSensor.getTemperature() + " °C");

Write code (Python)

Copy the code below into a new Python project. If you need a reminder of how to do this, revisit the Getting Started Course. Insert the code below.

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#Add Phidgets library
from Phidget22.Phidget import *
from Phidget22.Devices.TemperatureSensor import *
#Required for sleep statement
import time

temperatureSensor = TemperatureSensor()


#Use your Phidget
while (True):
    input("Press Enter to measure")
    print("Temperature: " + str(temperatureSensor.getTemperature()) + " °C")

Write code (C#)

Copy the code below into a new C# project. If you need a reminder of how to do this, revisit the Getting Started Course. Insert the code below.

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//Add Phidgets Library
using Phidget22;

namespace TemperatureRanking{
    class Program{
        static void Main(string[] args){

            TemperatureSensor temperatureSensor = new TemperatureSensor();


            //Use your Phidgets
                //Press enter to read temperature
                System.Console.WriteLine("Temperature: " + temperatureSensor.Temperature + " °C");

Write code (Swift)

Copy the code below into a new Swift project. If you need a reminder of how to do this, revisit the Getting Started Course. Insert the code below.

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import Cocoa
//Add Phidget Library
import Phidget22Swift

class ViewController: NSViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var sensorLabel: NSTextField!
    let temperatureSensor = TemperatureSensor()
    override func viewDidLoad() {
            try temperatureSensor.open()
    @IBAction func getTemperature(_ sender: Any) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
		//Record Temperature
                let temperature = try self.temperatureSensor.getTemperature()
                self.sensorLabel.stringValue = String(temperature) + " °C"
  1. Run code. The temperature is recorded when the enter key is pressed.
  2. Record the temperature of 5 students' hands by having each student hold the end of the thermocouple for a moment then record the temperature.
  3. Pour hot water into 5 different cups, wait 15 minutes, and then measure the temperatures of each of the liquids using the thermocouple.
  1. Run code, Temperatures are recorded when the enter key is pressed.
  2. Record the temperature of 5 students' hands by having each student hold the end of the thermocouple for a moment then record the temperature.
  3. Pour hot water into 5 different cups, wait 15 minutes, and then measure the temperatures of each of the liquids using the thermocouple.
  1. Run code, Temperatures are recorded when the enter key is pressed.
  2. Record the temperature of 5 students' hands by having each student hold the end of the thermocouple for a moment then record the temperature.
  3. Pour hot water into 5 different cups, wait 15 minutes, and then measure the temperatures of each of the liquids using the thermocouple.
  1. Run code, Temperatures are recorded when the button is pressed.
  2. Record the temperature of 5 students' hands by having each student hold the end of the thermocouple for a moment then record the temperature.
  3. Pour hot water into 5 different cups, wait 15 minutes, and then measure the temperatures of each of the liquids using the thermocouple.


  1. Add an array to record 5 different temperatures. Your program should exit after 5 temperatures have been recorded (user pressed enter 5 times).

What are Phidgets?

Phidgets are programmable USB sensors. Simply plug in your sensor, write code in your favorite language and go!

Phidgets have been used by STEM professionals for over 20 years and are now available to students.

Learn more

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