
Notice: This page contains information for the legacy Phidget21 Library.

Phidget21 is out of support. Bugfixes may be considered on a case by case basis.

Phidget21 does not support VINT Phidgets, or new USB Phidgets released after 2020. We maintain a selection of legacy devices for sale that are supported in Phidget21.

We recommend that new projects be developed against the Phidget22 Library.

Click on the 2phidget22.jpg button in the menu bar to go to the Phidget22 version of this page.


Language - Microsoft Robotics Studio

From Phidgets Legacy Support

Icon-Robot Studio.png Microsoft Robotics Studio support is no longer maintained by Phidgets


Phidgets no longer supports Microsoft Robotics Studio.

Quick Downloads

Although we no longer support Microsoft Robotics Studio, you can find some of our old sample code here.